Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Ramadhan itu sebuah hadiah .

Assamualaikum semua !

Hows your ramadan so far ? :) Cepatnya rasa masa berlalu , esok dah nak masuk 5 Ramadan . 
And sebenarnya , fyna nak share satu video dari brother NAK ( Nouman Ali Khan ) , entitled Ramdan a gift for muslim . Bila dengar apa dia cakap , segala hujah dan benda yang dia bagitau . Pandangan kita terhadap bulan yang memang boleh dianggap sebagai hadiah dari Allah buat kita , pandangan kita mungkin akan lebih dalam lebih hayati dan hargai ramadan tu . So , jom la dengaq . Kalau yang dah pernah dengar dah tu bagos sangat. Sepatutnya fyna dengar ceramah ni masa bulan syaaban ka rejab ka , tapi takpa masih belum terlambat , Insyallah . Jangan biarkan Ramadan berlalu macam tu sahaja . Ramadan ini hadiah , hadiah buat kita . 

So , fyna ada buat some short note lah dari apa yang dia sampaikan kat sini . Dia mulakan dengan bercerita tentang Surah Al - Baqarah. Dalam Al - Baqarah ni lah ada disebutkan atau Allah mention kan kat kita pasal berpuasa which is in ayat 183 , dan keterangan atau huraian dalam ayat 184 & 185 . Btw teringin sangat nak belajar jauh - jauh ( pi middle east ka ) , nak belajar pasal Al-Quran , tau makna di sebalik ayat - ayat diturunkan , sebab ayat dia ada maksud tersurat tersirat yang kadang - kadang fyna tak paham . What a waste kalau sepanjang hidup ni tak berpeluang tau sebenar-benarnya cerita apa dalam Quran ni , nak tau apa kandungan "surat cinta" Allah bagi kat kita  . Haa insyallah one fine day hurm kalau ada rezeki . And btw kalau ada mana-mana silap dalam short note ni sila tegur lah :) 

  • In Surah Al - Baqarah , its been divided into two conversation . the first one is about the Jews / Israeli and with their fundamental mistakes . The second one is about the new generation ( us ) , new ummah after the revealation of Al - Quran .
  • What makes us different from the previous nation ? Al - Quran made us a separated nation . Our capital is Makkah , and our constittution is Quran . Unlike the previous one is Jurusalem . p/s ; part ni best dengar penjelasan brother NAK pasal jews tentang pasal pengubahan kiblat . Nak lebih seronok kena dengar video dia :) 
  • The first thing as we all know the month of Ramadan is when the Al - Quran came down . So , Ramadan ( the whole 30 days ) is a celebration of us being new ummah . It is recognition that when the previous nation cannot fulfill the responsibility than this this nation will . 
  • In this particular month ( Ramadan ) we/ll refresh our relationship with the Quran and then we gonna share it with the rest of humanity . Quran is the guidance for humanity and set a standard between right & wrong . In every Ramadan we are supposed to go back to Quran as if it our first time reading it
  • Ramdan is actually training , for us to face the real challenge ( shaitan ) . You will engaged with something physical exercise for instance ( you cant eat , cant drink until Maghrib ) , that will develop into something that is spiritual  which is ( taqwa ) . Thats the reason why Allah said ;

يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آَمَنُوا كُتِبَ عَلَيْكُمُ الصِّيَامُ كَمَا كُتِبَ عَلَى الَّذِينَ مِنْ قَبْلِكُمْ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَتَّقُونَ  
O you who believe ! fasting is prescribed for you , as it was prescribed for those before you , so that you may guard against devil / Wahai orang - orang beriman ! Kamu diwajibkan berpuasa sebagaimana diwajibkan atas orang - orang yang dahulu daripada kamu , supaya kamu bertaqwa .

  • There is a great battle inside you , between your body and your heart . During the whole 30 days your heart gonna win . Thats the reason we can complete our 30 days of fasting . In Ramadan , the shaitan been tied , been locked , if shaitan are with us probably we will manage to fast only for a week . So this is the training for your heart to gain taqwa . Its like the police training . During the police training session , they only practice , there is no real challenge ( no real criminal and etc ) but after the training , the police need to come out and face the real challenge , need to shot the real criminal . Same as us in Ramadan , after training our heart to gain taqwa, only then we face the real  challenge after Ramadan which is shaitan . 
  • Yes , your heart may get injured throughout the rest months after Ramadan . So thats the reason we need Ramadan , we need to undergoes training gradually / yearly . We need to recover our heart . Taqwa will come when you exercise that muscle ( heart ) , when you let your heart win .
  • Allah only wants ease for you . Not only to ease your thinking but Allah want to ease your life . You will never have the ease of your life if you dont have guidance , and you will not have guidance until you have taqwa . Allah wants your life to be easy and ease will come with guidance . Thats why HE gives you Ramadan .

  • Here is a situation given by brother NAK , a simple situation than we can relate with .                    Situation A : Our parents will ask us to do our homework like so many times . They'll repeatly remind us until we get bored and do our homework . If they tell us only one time , did we really gonna straight and do it ?                                                                                                                                        Situation B : Allah had mention about taqwa over 200+ times in Quran ! Why is that ? Because we dont develop our concious about him ( taqwa ) and HE wants us to develop our taqwa . thats why . How amazing huh ? HE had repeatedly mention to us and yet we refused to do so .
  • So , since Ramadan is a training , what we usually do when we finished our training or when we graduated and get certifies? We'll celebrate it , in the way Allah guided us . Celebrate it with takbir      ( Allahuakbhar )
  •  Fasting may starve our body but revealation of Quran in Ramadan feeds our soul . Its like one thing get weaker the other is getting stronger . The equilibrium is reach again . Be grateful to Allah who save our soul this month ! Be grateful as Allah give us Ramadan as a gift :)
I really hope whoever reads and listens to the vid it will give you something at least , its not too late insyallah :) Happy fasting people . Salam Ramadan :)

Yang buruk semuanya dari fyna , maafkan lah andai ada sesiapa terguris hati , andai ada silap .
Assamualaikum :D


  1. tq dik for sharing this gud info :)

    adik fyna..akak nak tanya skit...aritu blog kena hack yek..mcm mana cara nak tau?
    pastu mcm mana nak betulkan balik yek blog kita tu? sori yek sb tanya kat entry ni :)

    1. A'ah . tak boleh view blog , dia kuar screen kosong je semua . Fyna mintak tolong kawan buat , tak tahu la pulak dia buat mc mana . sorry kak :(

  2. cun la ur blog.. follw me back
